2013 Artsurprise timeline

Smiling faces, serial of objects for artsurprise.


These smiling faces are happy. Nobody uses them for social network profiles, they are no avatars for anybody. They are not limited in definitions. Nobody labels them or puts them under a headline: student, snob, customer,… Nobody can tie them to customer loyalty systems like credit cards or customer cards. These smiling faces are not restrained by group memberships, they are not limited to closed social networks. They can jump through all groups.

They are not coded in binaries.

You can have access to them only in your present. Now, at this moment.

They are free. They can open the world.

Sonia Eva Domenech, 2013

2013 Circles

Exhibition: Castellón, Casa del Dragon

P1040100-01 P1040102-01

2013 Circles Hearts Instalacions Memory timeline

Water Time

«Water Heart»
Sònia Eva DomenecH / Abril 13

Fractal mathematics are the basement of understanding the flow
of the water. And water has memory also, based on fractal
geometrie. It remembers in time the way, the behaiviour, the
target. 70% of our body is water. Each cell is organized like the
prehistoric ocean with the same conditions in liquids, chemical
mechanisms and salt enviroments. Life comes from water and
through water. Our unique sense to feel this family rrots with the
water is SOUND. Listen the time. It is your time.
